What is it? A distinctive feature of this disease is bone fragility. Weak bones due to a decrease in calcium absorption in the body and depletion of bone calcium and protein. This is the most common type of metabolic bone disease in which bones become thinner and weaker, as part of aging. Bones may be broken and heal slowly, occurring especially in women after menopause. If left untreated, skeletal bones become fragile and some are likely to crack or fracture, especially hip and vertebrae. Osteoporosis is most common in women over the age of 50 years. After menopause, women experience rapid bone loss due to reduction in the production of estrogen. Any bone can be broken, but special concern cause fractures of the hip and spine. Back and spine fractures can cause loss of height, severe back pain, nerve compression and deformation. The following risk factors associated with osteoporosis: smoking, chronic disease, alcohol use, high caffeine intake, early hysterectomy with ovarian removal appropriate, hyperthyroidism, and chronic steroid use drugs. Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium absorption. Creating strong bones, eating calcium rich foods, support balanced diet and exercise at an early age may be the best protection against osteoporosis. Image used with permission of Medtronic These images show osteoporosis. The upper image shows a fracture of the thoracic spine. This type of fracture is called a compression fracture. Note the wedge shape of the vertebrae, as he fell to the front. The resulting image shows a normal left vertebral osteoporosis and vertebrae on the right. Note the loss of bone in the body of vertebra with a few fragments of bones left. What are the symptoms? Loss of bone mass occurs without symptoms. People can lose bone mass over a long period of time without realizing it. The first signs of osteoporosis >> << frequently fractured spine, hip or wrist after a simple fall. When bone loss is a serious and osteoporosis is high, the following symptoms >> << height loss and spine slouch main effects osteoporosis fractures of the spine. How to diagnose? Osteoporosis is diagnosed spinal X-rays, spinal CT scan or bone density (DEXA scan). Suspicion of osteoporosis is usually present when there is fracture of the spine where there is only a small amount of this effect, such as a simple fall. How is it treated? The best treatment is prevention. Adequate calcium and vitamin D intake and exercise are important preventive tools against osteoporosis. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption and other important factors. There are several medications that can help increase bone density. Antiresorptive drugs, biphosphonates (alendronate, and ibandronat ryzedronat), calcitonin, estrogen and raloksifen affect bone remodeling cycle. Teriparatide, a form of parathyroid hormone, is a newly approved drug against osteoporosis. This is the first drug to speed the formation of bone in bone remodeling cycle. Fractures that are supported by osteoporosis can be treated with Kifoplastika, vertebroplasty, bed or external mounting. Kifoplastika a procedure in which a balloon inserted into the vertebra raise the collapsed segments and then bone cement is introduced into the space created by balloon. In vertebroplasty, bone cement is injected into the spine, not a balloon inflated. These procedures are performed with needles inserted through the skin on the back (see
Kifoplastika and vertebroplasty). External mounting requires that the patient wears braces. Does this treatment is the complication? There is little risk associated with vertebroplasty and Kifoplastika that bone cement may leak lasix 50 mg iv into the blood vessels or in places where the nerves. This is a rare and avoided careful surgical technique. Talk to your specialist about other risks (see Your Back Operation). What are the long-term expectations? Osteoporosis is a progressive disease that can lead to fractures of the current that can be disabled. Prevention best advice, but there is hope of new procedures that are available. It is important to diagnose osteoporosis as early as possible. .
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